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Florida Bar Character and Fitness Info Resources

Information on sources to compile background information needed for the Florida Bar application


Florida Bar Examiners logo

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners requires all persons seeking admission to the Florida Bar to prove their Character and Fitness. This process involves completing a lengthy online application with supporting documentation, answering all questions accurately and honestly.

The application questions are addressed individually in this guide. Some resources will answer more than one question. It is up to you to do the research necessary to provide the Florida Board of Bar Examiners your accurate answers to the application questions.

Use the Search function to search this guide for particular questions by numerical number, or browse topics.

Remember, the most important thing is to be candid in your application. If you have any questions or concerns, Ask Us or contact FIU Law Student Services.

Bar Application Presentation Slides & Recording

Below are the presentation recording and slide deck of the FIU Law Student Services Florida Bar Application presentations each Fall semester.

Applying to Another State

If you are not planning to apply to the Bar in Florida, but to another state, you should be aware that some states require first-year law students to register with their State Bar or Board of Examiners.  Regardless of the requirements, applying while a 1L may provide a discount in the application fee. It also averts delays that inevitably crop up during the state Bar's investigative process.

If this scenario applies to you, the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) provides these two related resources: