Welcome to Florida International University College of Law. As a new FIU Law student, you are navigating unique academic waters.
Your FIU Law Library is here to help. This guide provides an overview of materials available to support your legal education at FIU Law.
Whether you are embarking on your 1L year, a transfer student, LLM candidate or JM program professional, your FIU Law Library is Here for you. Just Ask a Law Librarian 24/7/365 and we'll provide the support you need to succeed at FIU Law.
Recordings and information from orientation will be provided here.
Videos and "how to" documents designed to orient you to FIU Law Library resources. Watch these first to get acquainted with unique Law Library offerings - and to succeed in your legal education.
You received some of these during your Road to Orientation process. Here they are, in one place, to watch and review over (and over) again.
Reading and understanding a legal opinion can be difficult. The article below by Orin S. Kerr, "How to Read a Legal Opinion: A Guide for New Law Students" is an excellent introduction to understanding the format and common terms found in a legal opinion.
Register for a free account at SSRN to download, or find it via a web search. A 2019 podcast interview with distillation and analysis from Prof. Kerr is here.