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Freedom of Expression and Opinion - International and Comparative Legal Research

Guide to foreign and international law resources for researching legal issues on the freedom on expression.

Selected treatises

Sample Catalog Searches

Evaluate the four searches in Primo, the FIU catalog, that appear below. Experiment with your own searches.

"Subject" -contains- 'censorship' AND "Any field" -contains- 'international' [with Sort by Date-newest applied]

"Subject" -contains- 'freedom of expression' AND "Any field" -contains- 'comparative' [Sorted by relevance, the default setting]

"Subject" -is exact- 'freedom of the press [Sorted by Date-newest applied]

"Subject" -is exact- 'Freedom of the press -- China [Sorted by Date-newest. This is an example of filtering for a single country or region when included by the cataloger in the subject heading.]

Subject headings seek to capture the main topics covered in a book. Other subjects or countries (or geographical areas) might be discussed by an author, but not assigned a separate heading by the cataloger. Other sample general subject heading searches include:

Encyclopedias & Handbooks

Specific Journals

Journals & Articles

Scholarly articles on foreign and international law can be retrieved in the following databases:

Westlaw, you can search all secondary sources content or restrict your search to international law materials

Lexis, in Content > Secondary materials, or using Practice Area > International Law or selecting a listed country from the International link in the 'Explore' selection tab or the View all Jurisdictions link.

HeinOnline, you can perform searches in several libraries:

Cambridge Journals Online GL

Oxford Journals GL


These two bibliographies are useful for earlier titles.

Miscellaneous Resources