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A-Z Database List (eResources)

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19 Databases

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Latin Lawyer, the business law resource for Latin America. Provides news and articles on different practice areas and contact information for more than 250 leading law firms in Latin America. Latin Lawyer Reference section provides answers to key legal and regulatory questions on major practice areas including, data protection and cybersecurity, corporate governance, capital markets, and antitrust among other practice areas. The database also includes Latin Lawyer 250 a guide to the leading business law firms of Latin America.

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  • Freely accessible resource
Law Commons is the portal for all open-access law journals published through Bepress Digital Commons. Law Commons network combines the scholarly writing of law reviews from 237 institutions.
Alternate Name(s):HeinOnline Law in Eastern Europe
This series of more than 60 titles showcases the development, enactment, and impact of the rule of law in Eastern Europe, improving the knowledge and understanding of Soviet and Russian law and society. Topics range from copyright to public policy, civil law, freedom of speech, citizenship, and more.
Alternate Name(s):HeinOnline Law Journal Library
The Law Journal Library in HeinOnline is a collection of more than 1,800 law and law-related periodicals. Coverage is from the first issue published for all periodicals and goes through the most currently published issued allowed, based on contracts with publishers.
  • Freely accessible resource
The Law Library's collection of primary and secondary sources constitutes the largest legal collection in the world, covering virtually every jurisdiction in the world. Library of Congress includes sections on research and research reports, global and comparative law resources, legislative resources, In Custodia Legis - Law Library Blog, and legal commentaries and recommended resources from around the world.Collection of government documents include Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports, and Military Legal Resources.
  • Freely accessible resource
The Library of Congress research guides is an annotated guide to sources of legal information on the United States, international organizations and foreign jurisdictions worldwide. It includes selected links to useful and reliable sites for legal information. Includes a guide to Indigenous Peoples Law.
  • Restricted to FIU Law
Alternate Name(s):Law 360
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Law360, daily news source that covers the entire spectrum of practice areas. In-depth features about trends in every practice area. Interviews with policy makers, corporate counsel and top lawyers Expert Analysis by leading practitioners. Surveys of major litigation trends. Rankings of practice groups by size and market share.

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  • Freely accessible resource
Online Sunshine, official site of the Florida Legislature, provides access to Florida Statutes, Constitution, and laws of Florida since 1997. Recent Changes to the General Law.
  • Freely accessible resource
Alternate Name(s):Fall Digital Project
Fall Digital Project, the State Library of Florida and Florida State University College of Law Research Center are collaborating to scan all published Laws of Florida, from 1822-1996, including the Territorial Laws, 1822-1845.
Alternate Name(s):HeinOnline Legal Classics
More than 3,000 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history can be found in HeinOnlines Legal Classics collection., including Joseph Story, Jeremy Bentham, William Blackstone, Benjamin N. Cardozo and many more. In addition to many classics, this collection also includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world.
LegalTrac indexes over 800 legal periodicals by subject or keyword. Coverage begins around 1980 for most journals.
  • Freely accessible resource
Legifrance is the French government entity responsible for publishing legal texts online. It provides access, in French, to laws and decrees published in the Journal Officiel, important court rulings, collective labour agreements, standards issued by European institutions, and international treaties and agreements to which France is a party. It also provides translations into English of various French legal texts.
  • Freely accessible resource
Publishes the original (enacted) and revised versions of legislation of the United Kingdom (UK), the Acts of Parliament and statutory instruments of United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This website is managed by the National Archives of the United Kingdom.
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LexisNexis provides legal research tools, on-demand research training, as well as legal career information and support for law students and faculty.

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Alternate Name(s):OverDrive, Study Aids

Lexis Digital Libraries provides ebooks for checkout for select Lexis Nexis publications. Includes unlimited access for students to the Understanding and Questions & Answers series. Students can filter for study aids under Advanced Search - Classification - Study Aids. For more information, read OverDrive Lending Policies.

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  • Restricted to FIU Law
Alternate Name(s):Lexis Nexis, Nexis Uni
Full-text access to a wide range of news, business, legal, medical, government, statistical, and reference information; federal and state case law. Search News, Legal Cases, Company Profiles, Country Information, or Biographical Information. FIU Law users: Do not use in same browser with Lexis Advance.

Provided by FIU Libraries. Incompatible with Lexis+, use separate browser to access, Ask a Law Librarian for assistance.

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Provided by FIU Libraries. Incompatible with Lexis+, use separate browser to access, Ask a Law Librarian for assistance.
Audio & Video

Real courtroom video, audio judicial opinions with expert commentary and analysis. Powered by Courtroom View Network offers rich media straight from actual trials and court proceedings. FIRST TIME USERS - click Login and Register, and follow prompts using your FIU email and credentials.

  • Restricted to FIU Law
LLMC Digital is a full text searchable database of digitized historical legal literature and government documents. Among its collection is the Indigenous Law Portal, United States Federal and State legal resources, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and other jurisdictions around the world.

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  • Freely accessible resource
LLRX, Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals An online journal with current information on internet research and technology issues.