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International Intellectual Property

Research guide with links to laws, treaties, cases and information on International IP

Sub-Page Contents

The 3 sub-pages cover:

Patent Statistics: Freely available patent statistics sources.

Other Countries IP Offices: Links to some individual patent office sites, and to IP directories with full listings.

Patent Searches: Patent and application search sites.

Other Research Guides

Recommended Guide:

International / Comparative Patent Law

from Mitchell | Hamline School of Law librarian Janelle Beitz. It is the only 'International Patents' guide included for reference in the ASIL e-RG International IP Law guide.

Online Guides

   WTO & GATT Research.
This NYU guide presents the essential sources for researching the former GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and the current system under the Uruguay Round agreements (TRIPS) and the World Trade Organization.

   Research Guide on TRIPS and Compulsory Licensing: Access to Innovative Pharmaceuticals for Least Developed Countries,
a Globalex guide.


For more titles search the catalog using Patents -- International as a Subject Heading.

Online Treatises

Lexis Advance, law school log in required. icon

Westlaw, law school log in required. icon

Bloomberg, law school log in required. icon

Online, FIU log in required. GL

Patent Treaties

WIPO administered Patent Treaties:

European Patent Convention Treaty

The European Patent Convention, or EPC, establishes a single unitary patent system and unified patent court for its 38 members. Compliance with the convention is administered by the EPO, the European Patent Office.

The convention's grant of a unitary regionally valid and enforceable patent was recently challenged by Spain on the basis of improper delegation of powers to non-EU members. The ECJ denied the challenge, Kingdom of Spain v. Council of the European Union, Case C‑146/13 and Case C‑147/13 (5 May 2015).

National Patent Laws

EU Patent Law/Regs

EU Single Market Patents page

EUR Lex Legislation page, to search for directives and regulations.

EPO's National Laws relating to the European Patent Convention.

TRIPS Resources

The WTO's portal on TRIPS information is the 

TRIPS Material on the WTO website

page. In addition to the links on the page, navigation buttons allow you to reach all source documents and information on issues currently under negotiation.

WIPO Resources

Patent related information is interspersed throughout the WIPO site.

The 'About IP' > Patents

landing page is perhaps the one with the most related links.

Study Aids / CALI lessons

Introduction to TRIPS - Patent
Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes

TRIPS - Advanced Topics
Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes