It's always a good idea to become more proficient in using the Bluebook, but it's even more important when you're working for faculty. Most of our faculty's work must conform to the Bluebook, and you may be asked to check that their citations are properly formatted. Unless the faculty member for which you are working says otherwise, it is also a good practice to make sure that any bibliographies or other lists of sources that you give to the faculty are properly formatted in Bluebook style. This will help when any of these sources need to be cited later.
The following sites contain some helpful information and guides to properly formatting Bluebook-style citations.
You probably remember other citation styles, such as APA or MLA, from undergrad; sometimes our faculty need to have their citations formatted in these styles rather than in Bluebook. If this is the case, we can help. Check out these resources first:
The following list most of the abbreviations you're likely to come across.
Citation software can help organize, store, and format citations in a variety of citation styles. Some software allows sharing among a group of researchers, which can be helpful for you and your faculty member. Many ease the process of generating bibliographies.