• International Encyclopaedia of Laws for Criminal Law is an online resource listed under the "I" tab of the law library's eResources guide.
27 different countries are covered in separate monographs. The chapters provide details on substantive law, criminal procedure, pre-trial proceedings, trial stage and appeals information.
• vLex is an online legal database. It provides material for some 134 countries. Coverage is particularly deep for Central and South America.
Foreign case law, legislation and treatises can be searched in their original languages . A translation feature is included. You can also reach vLex via the eResources guide.
• The Foreign Law Guide lists and details information for some 190 countries.
The FLG offers "...information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, ... and selected references to primary and secondary sources...". A separate section setting out criminal law sources is included for most, if not all, countries covered.
• Comparative Criminal Procedure: A Select Bibliography, from GlobaLex.