The Bloomberg Practice Centers - IP Laws News section lists different IP news. Bloomberg coverage also includes:
• Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal,
providing weekly coverage of important intellectual property cases, statutes, trends, and other key developments. From 1996-current, and the
• Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Daily,
with daily reporting on IP issues. Coverage from 1998-current.
Lexis Law360 Intellectual Property page.
Law360 allows FIU College of Law faculty, students, and staff to receive daily legal news bulletins in a variety of practice areas, industries, and geographical regions. more...
Lexis-Nexis Legal Newsroom / Intellectual Property
Westlaw Practioner Insights for Intellectual Property
Westlaw Intellectual Property Legal Newspapers & Newsletters.
The listing includes nine different sources.
Five recent entries from the blog appear below. Hovering over the entry will give you a summary. Clicking will take you to the blog itself.
General focus:
Biotech and Pharma focus:
Software focus:
Video Game focus
The Official Gazette for Patents is published each Tuesday in electronic form only, and contains bibliographic text and a representative drawing from each patent issued that week. The Official Gazette Notices are also included in each issue. Only the most recent year's issues are archived by the USPTO.
Director's Forum blog
America Invents Act AIA blog
USPTO E-mail alerts via E-mail newsletter for 10 different topics.
Inventor's Eye bi-monthly newsletter.
Federal Register notices published by the USPTO.
The Federal Register allows you to subscribe to their own main OFR Blog.
You can also navigate to and subscribe to the RSS feeds for the Patent and Trademark Office, or, using the advanced search, subscribe to an alert for a topic, for example, "inventions and patents ".
The URL for the RSS feed for "inventions and patents" is here.
These directories allow you to search for blogs by topic. Some allow for other filters.