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Copyright Law

U.S. Copyright Law materials, research resources and legal database search methods

Searches using the persistent search box.

Just typing "intellectual" into the search box opens a drop-down with suggested Phrases/Documents and Secondary Sources.

To search by jurisdiction or document category, click on the "Filters" link in the search box, then select the resource "Category" you desire, for example 'Statutes and Legislation'.

Then also click on the "Practice Area and Topic" filter. The practice areas include Copyright, Patent Law, Trade Secrets Law, and Trademark.

Select any additional filters you wish. Run the search. In the example shown below 'Patent Law' and 'Cases' have been selected. Any searches run will be filtered to those two selections.

"Copyright Law" as a Topic

From the menu bar, select "Browse " then click on "Topics", and then:

1. Type 'copyright' into the search box. Choices will be listed, or,

2. Select 'copyright law' from the legal areas list.

Once there you select the subtopic and drill down the outline. The final step lists the "actions" available; Get document, Add topic as a search filter, or Create a topic alert. This method tends to work as a type of directed search. You can use the narrower topic in case law or secondary source searches.

Selecting Copyright as a "Source", for ALL secondary sources

If you know the name of a treatise, typing it into the search box will allow you to search within that source. If a Table of Contents is available, clicking on the links will bring up that TOC.

A second method is to "Browse" for a secondary source. Typing the word 'copyright' in the "Browse" search box will bring up only a limited list. This is useful if you know the name of the treatise.

Selecting "Browse" from the menu bar, then clicking on "Sources", then "Practice Area", then "Copyright Law" opens up a new page view. That page contains an alphabetical listing for all copyright related sources. A screenshot of that page for "patent law" is shown below. You can see some of the available filters in the left column.

Lexis Practice Advisor

Another IP research entry point is the Lexis Practice Advisor. It is reached from the square Grid menu icon on the upper left of the LexisAdvance home page.

Once open, you use the additional 'Practice Areas ' drop down menu to change the default landing page from Banking to "Intellectual Property and Technology".

Subject area specific materials are included along with more general IP sources. To make sure you see all the available topics you should click on the + "Expand All" button in the Topics column.