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Copyright Law

U.S. Copyright Law materials, research resources and legal database search methods

Selected study aids

Comprehensive Treatises

In print this is an 11 volume set, call number KF 2991.5 .N5.

The full treatise is browsable and searchable online from Lexis, Lexis icon College of law access icon which also provides forms and a browsable index. Additionally, the title is available digitally by individual volume on OverDrive. College of Law access icon

Selected print treatises

CALI lessons / Study aids

There are 14 copyright specific lessons listed by topic in this Lessons by Subject Outline for copyright law from CALI, such as:

A Primer on Copyright Infringement   
Lesson Completion Time: 30-45 minutes

The lessons are sometimes part of a "lessons by casebook" treatment co-relating to typical law school textbooks. Barrett's Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials starts with a useful lesson on research, Copyright and Trademark Legal Research.


The library has an audio recording set in this legal field from the Sum and Substance CD Series. The CDs can be checked out from reserve for 24 hours.

Government's Manual, from:

Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

"...the draft presents more than 1200 pages of administrative practices and sets the stage for a number of long-term improvements in registration and recordation policy."

Copyright Office Proposals

•  Copyright and the Music Marketplace

This February 2015 245 page report frames the Copyright Office's position on the existing legal landscape on copyright, and argues for a "...comprehensive approach to copyright review and revision generally." Recommendations for new legislation are set out.