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Henry Latimer Professionalism Library Guide

The Florida Bar Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism recommends these resources to inform Florida legal practitioners about professionalism and ethics issues.

Social Media Ethics Missteps for Lawyers (and Others) - (Nancy Rapoport)

In this article, first published in the Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute in 2014, Nancy Rapoport, Provost (Elect) at UNLV, examines what social media is and the considerations that an attorney should have when using the various platforms.

Be Tweet Life and Death - (Bonie M. Navarrete)

In this article, first published in The Florida Bar Journal in July 2015, Bonie Navarrete discusses the benefits of utilizing the various social media platforms that are currently available. Along with discussing the benefits of social media, Navarette elaborates on how to avoid the pitfalls of malpractice due to social media usage. This article won the 2015 Professionalism Essay Award co-sponsored by the Center for Professionalism.

The "Friend"ly Lawyer - (Nicola Boothe-Perry)

In this article, first published in the University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy in 2013, Nicola A. Boothe-Perry, a Professor of Law at Florida A & M University, College of Law discusses whether current professional rules are sufficient or if new rules need to be established regarding the use of Social Media in pending cases to ensure compliance with ethical requirements and professional norms.