A listing of the "core" conventions on ICA follows below. Explore the Kluwer Arbitration or ICCA listings for a more expansive list.
From newyorkconvention.org:
The site supplies information regarding the New York Convention in general, its history, its interpretation and application by the courts, a bibliography, and other relevant matters such as a "draft" for a revised Convention.
This website also provides you with easy-to-use tools to find case law on how the courts have interpreted and applied the New York Convention's provisions (more than 1750 court decisions from more than 65 countries).
Coverage at the UNCITRAL site:
At the World Bank:
Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
These are only three of many sources:
Search for instruments by keyword or by type and year.
Links to two trend analysis papers.
BITs page from the Department of State. Please note that U.S. multilateral Free Trade Agreements also often contain investment protection provisions.
Search by country, by treaty name, or by year lists.
A guide from NYU's "Globalex".
From the U.N. Treaty Collection pages.
Search the treaty name for a summary and other concise information on any important treaty.