This database resource is maintained by the American Society of International Law (ASIL). The most relevant ICA pages are:
By S.I. Strong, Federal Judicial Center 2012, 152 pp. "...this guide offers a practical overview of issues
related to international commercial arbitration that commonly arise in a U.S. federal court".
ICCA 2011, 179pp. " intended to provide an outline of the Convention and give guidance to judges determining applications under the Convention... The Guide is designed to provide answers to individual questions that might arise at any stage of applying the Convention...".
Translex is an online legal research project from the Center for Transnational Law (CENTRAL) at the University of Cologne. The section on principles is an online-collection of principles, rules, forms and commentary on transnational commercial law. The principles are organized into 14 chapters, any part of which can be viewed or downloaded separately.
CISG-online allows searches by "...CLOUT number, date, jurisdiction, deciding court/arbitral tribunal, but also by seller’s and/or buyer’s country, the goods involved and most importantly, by the (key) provisions cited in the decision/award".
Council for
The ICCA website contains several useful resources, among them these in particular:
From the UNCITRAL library: