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International Commercial Arbitration

Resources and research strategies focused on LAW 6316, the ICA course, and the FIU Law VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot Team

Awards & Cases

From Public Databases

These sources include a large amount of material, including commentary and case law. Researchers should also be aware of and use the Green Library and College of Law subscription databases set out in this guide.

  • Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT)

    United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Secretariat has established a system for collecting and disseminating information on court decisions and arbitral awards relating to the Conventions and Model Laws that have emanated from the work of the Commission. The purpose of the system is to promote international awareness of the legal texts formulated by the Commission and to facilitate uniform interpretation and application of those texts.

  • Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Database

    Pace database on the CISG and International Commercial Law. The Database is a collaborative effort between the Institute of International Commercial Law and the Pace Law Library. The Electronic Library contains over 10,000 bibliography citations, over 3,000 cases, and over 1,600 full texts of commentaries, monographs and books on the CISG and related subjects.

  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment (ICSID)

    ICSID is an autonomous international institution established under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputesbetween States and Nationals of Other States with over one hundred and forty member States. The Convention sets forthICSID's mandate, organization and core functions. The primary purpose of ICSID is to provide facilities for conciliation andarbitration of international investment disputes.

  • Global Sales Law

    The website is now run by Professor Ingeborg Schwenzer at the University of Basel. Global Sales Law features a database of CISG case law from around the world. The database is searchable across many fields, including sellers/buyer's country, jurisdiction, court/tribunal, and date. The link leads to the database search page.


    A collection of international caselaw and bibliography on two of the most important international instruments for the regulation of international commercial transactions.

  • NAFTA Investor-State Arbitrations

    Arbitration cases filed under the NAFTA agreement, at the U.S. Department of State website.

From FIU subscribed databases

  • ICDR Awards and Commentaries - from Juris Arbitration Law

    A compilation of selected arbitration awards in cases administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) See Part II of Volume 1. Cites for some court cases on the subject are also provided.

  • Kluwer Arbitration
  • Wolters Kluwer Arbitration contains selected coverage of awards and court decisions. You can enter a jurisdiction in the search box, or search from the 'Awards' link on the home page.

In Print

Search the catalog for subject heading:
International commercial arbitration -- Cases
to see a full listing, including several results from the College of Law legal databases.

Selected Treatises:

Foreign Law

Foreign Law

Book Cover Art

Foreign Law Guide, online resource GL

To see coverage for a subject such as Arbitration and Mediation click on the 'Laws by Subject' tab, then select it from the resulting covered jurisdictions list. The foreign law guide is an invaluable source for locating primary sources of legislation for foreign jurisdictions. For each country there is a brief introduction to the legal system, a list of codifications, gazettes and other sources of law. The guide can also be reached from the Law Library web page via eResources.

Wolters Kluwer logo

Wolters Kluwer Arbitration, online resource

Enter a country name in the home page search box and then select the 'Legislation' link from the resulting page's navigation bar

Book Cover Art

vLex, online resource

vLex is a global legal database that contains constitutions, cases, statutes, codes, law journal articles, books, and legal news in multiple languages for 134 countries including: Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Portugal, Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, and the United States. Search terms and full text results can be translated into 13 languages.

Bloomberg logo

Bloomberg Law, online resource

The numerous nation specific information entries in Getting the Deal Through  list sources for that country's national arbitration laws.

Aceris Law LLC logo

Arbitration Laws of the World is an open source online resource provided by commercial firm Aceris Law LLC. Some dates for the laws appear more recent than those at the ICCA section below.

ICCA logo

International Council for Commercial Arbitration, online resource

An archived link from the ICCA, the 'Related Links' page sets out links to national arbitration laws for numerous countries. Australian and Canadian provincial enactments are included. Some country links may be dated.

Proposed Domestic Law

ALI Restatements logo

American Law Institute

The ALI is engaged on Tentative Draft 4 of their U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration model laws project. When finally approved, the Institute will publish the work as part of the official Restatement of the Law series.

Examine the ALI's latest draft at the HeinOnline American Law Institute Library in our eResource guide.

Last Updated: Nov 4, 2024 2:36 PM · URL: · Print Page

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