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International Commercial Arbitration

Resources and research strategies focused on LAW 6316, the ICA course, and the FIU Law VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot Team

Selected Current Awareness Sources

Current Awareness Sources

  • Kluwer Arbitration Blog
  • International arbitration News, analytics and practice
  • This blog is designed to provide a forum for the discussion of current laws and developing practice of ADR. It highlights also new court decisions and new laws that impact the development of arbitration in Ukraine and Europe

  • Transnational Notes
  • ...aims at the advancement of the study and practice of international business transactions and the way to solve related disputes either through litigation or arbitration.

  • Westlaw Next
  • IDN Podcasts
  • The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution hosted a very interesting Podcast Series: International Dispute Negotiation. The podcasts dated from 2007 to 2011. You can select and listen to the .mp3 media files after clicking on the RSS link on their web page. A short text description is provided for each episode. Use Firefox if your Chrome browser does not display the content correctly.

Kluwer Arbitration Blog live feed

The five latest entries from the blog appear at left.

Clicking the info icon will give you a summary. Clicking the link will take you to the post.