Bloomberg Law focuses on practitioner resources and contains Practice Centers developed by a large group of practitioners in law, business, finance, regulatory, and other areas. If you seek Dockets or filings, Bloomberg Law is the place to go for most federal and state jurisdictions.
Additionally, Bloomberg Law provides U.S. Law Week and associated Report. These current awareness resources have been supporting legal practitioners and scholars for over 80 years.
Here, students can access:
Bloomberg Law provides primary and secondary legal content; dockets, treatises, company and market information; news; and more.
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Bloomberg Law dockets provides all that is in PACER and more.
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Lexis for Law Schools provides a portal for training, research, and content. Lexis is a legal research database, but also where you can access Public Records, Shepards, and additional content such as municipal codes.
Here students can access:
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Westlaw for law schools, through your OnePass credentials provides access to Practice Ready resources in addition to Westlaw Edge.
Here, students can find and use:
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Online version of the Florida Law Weekly, Florida Law Weekly Supplement and the Florida Law Weekly Federal, this contains Florida state, county and traffic cases. It also contains federal cases from the state of Florida.
Access restricted to FIU Law.
Access restricted to FIU Law.