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Faculty eResources Guide

This guide is intended to provide instruction on accessing and using e-resources in support of teaching and scholarship at Florida International University (FIU) College of Law.

Access to the major Legal Databases

The Law Library subscribes to a wide selection of electronic resources covering United States, foreign and international law, and other specialized materials in many areas of the law. This guide focuses on the five core legal databases licensed by the Law Library to support the curriculum and scholarship of faculty, students and staff of FIU College of Law and the FIU community, LexisAdvance, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, Hein Online and CALI, the Computer Assisted Legal Instruction database.

These databases contain primary and secondary sources, State and Federal case law, State and Federal laws and statutes, State and Federal regulations, treatises, legal journals and news, and court documents.

Click on any of the five images below to open the database

Bloomberg link description Lexis link description Westlaw link description CALI logo Hein Online logo

Please browse the Law Library "Services" Page for a full description of resources and services provided by the library to Law Faculty. These include Interlibrary Loan (ILL) forms to request materials held by libraries throughout the United States; links to other Faculty guides, listing hours of library operation and contact information of library staff. The Law Library home page also links to other e-resources available through FIU Libraries.

Login Codes

Activation / Registration

To activate usernames and passwords and for information on how to login please refer to the specific e-resource page on this libguide. Instructions on how to activate the code and/or access are provided.

Off-Campus Access

Bloomberg Law, Lexis and Westlaw are not IP-authenticated; to log on to these databases you need to use your own login credentials.

HeinOnline and CALI are IP-authenticated; when accessing these databases off campus you will need to connect using the proxy server via the "Off Campus Access" button on our home page or as prompted on an access attempt.

Initial passwords

 If you need a new code, lost or forgot your password please contact:
Pushyamitra Veeramachaneni at; 305-348-3542.

Who to Contact?

For assistance in the use of electronic resources, setting up individual or in classroom training sessions, and for login issues contact:

Account Managers for:

Bloomberg Law, 

  • Terry Stedman,, 1-800-542-113 ext. 1852. Customer Support 1-888-560-2529



  • Academic Account Rep: Sue Moore,
  • General Support: 1-800-REF-ATTY (1-800-733-2889).
  • OnePass (Username and Password) Questions: Tel: 1-800-Westlaw (1-800-937-8529) and select the option "Are you calling about your OnePass" to be directed to the OnePass team.


Law Library Staff Database Assistance Access & Training:

Lexis & Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, & CALI, 

  • Pushyamitra Veeramachaneni, Outreach and Library Services Law Librarian, 305-348-3542,


A to Z database listings

Both the Law Library and the undergraduate Green Library provide an A-Z full listing for other databases such as in interdisciplinary studies, statistical sources, dissertations and economic data.

law library A to Z list icon Click to open the Law Library
"A to Z" list
A to Z list icon Click to open Green Library's
"A to Z" list