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Student Resource Support Services

Resources for students

About Requests for Purchase

The Law Library encourages users to suggest items to purchase.  Recommendations for purchase are evaluated by law librarians for inclusion in the Law Library collection to ensure that materials fill information gaps and are appropriate for the scope of the Law Library's collection.

Additionally, the Law Library evaluates whether requested materials can be obtained through current eResources (online databases and other online services), and if that eResource will satisfy the needs of the requesting party.

How to Recommend Items for Purchase

All requests for new acquisitions to the FIU Law Library should include the following information:

  1. Title
  2. Author
  3. ISBN or ISSN (if available)
  4. Edition (most recent edition is obtained by default)
  5. Publication Year
  6. Publisher

To make a request for a purchase, please include this information in the  Ask a Librarian form.