Westlaw database published by Thomson Reuters provides a comprehensive collection of state and federal cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, administrative materials, state and federal appellate briefs, trial court orders, plus pleadings, motions, memoranda, expert testimony, law reviews, general news, treatises as well as sources of international law.
Within the analytical content we find complete content to ALR’s (American Law Reports) series, Wright & Miller Federal Practice and Procedure, C.J.S. (Corpus Juris Secundum), COA (Causes of Action), the complete AmJur Library, Restatements of the Law and more. In addition to these resources, the Westlaw for Law Schools platform also provides access to WestCheck, an automated citation-checking service; KeyCite Alert, an alert service based on updates to KeyCite (citator); WestClip, a clipping service for news and other sources; and TWEN, a course management service.
To login to Westlaw you will need to register your Westlaw Password. To request a Westlaw password or for assistance registering to Westlaw please contact Pushya Veeramachaneni or use our Ask a Librarian Form.
At OnePass Registration, you will also find online instructions in how to register your Westlaw password, http://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/law-products/customer-service/onepass
For technical assistance, OnePass (Username and Password) Questions: Call West Customer Technical Support, 1-800-WESTLAW (1-800-937-8529) and select the option "Are you calling about your OnePass" to be directed to the OnePass team.
The Law Library can assist faculty members with Westlaw by offering individualized training based on immediate needs or scheduling in-depth sessions with our Westlaw Representative. For assistance with Westlaw passwords or to schedule a personalized training, please use our Ask a Librarian Form or contact :
Instructional Aids are a series of PowerPoint presentations on the process of legal research that can be downloaded and edited to meet the objectives of the curriculum.