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Patent Law

U.S. Patent Law materials, research resources and legal database search strategies

What is patentable?

There are five basic requirements for UTILITY PATENT eligibility.

1. Patentable subject matter show/hide

2. Novelty show/hide

3. Non-obviousness show/hide

4. Enablement show/hide

5. Claims requirement show/hide

What is NOT patentable:

The initial question when claiming an invention is whether or not the subject matter is patentable.

• Laws of nature,

• Physical phenomena, and

• Abstract ideas

are not patent eligible.

Basic as those concepts are, the courts have found it difficult to articulate and apply definitive tests to determine whether a claimed invention falls within the bounds of the above listed subject areas.

The difficulty is greatest in areas of emerging technologies. Some of the recent decisions in the fields involved are:

Software patents show/hide

Gene sequences show/hide

Business methods show/hide

Biotechnology show/hide