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Patent Law

U.S. Patent Law materials, research resources and legal database search strategies

Study Aids

Comprehensive treatises online

Audio CDs

The Law Library's West Academic study aids subscriptions includes a streaming audio recording in this legal field.

Practice Related Resources in Print/Online

Note: The Smith-Leahy America Invents Act, passed in 2011, made changes to various patent laws and timelines. When using a print source published prior to the Act, care should be taken to verify your research via a supplement, pocket-part or by confirming the information using an updated source.

Manual of Patent Examining Procedure

The USPTO provides HTML and PDF versions of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure. An online searchable version is also available.

The Manual is an important tool in the patent process, in that it sets out the practices and procedures applied by the USPTO in the examination and evaluation of a patent application.

The MPEP can also be found at HeinOnline current to the 9th edition.

The earlier 8th edition can be accessed from Bloomberg, Lexis and Westlaw.

CALI lessons / Study aids

There are 12 patent specific lessons listed by topic in this Lessons by Subject Outline for Patent Law from CALI, such as:

Policy and Patentable Subject Matter
Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes

Basic Concepts of Non-Obviousness
Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes

Literal Infringement
Lesson Completion Time: 40 minutes

Patent treatises, full listings from:


  Bloomberg BNA


Supreme Court cases

A listing of patent cases that were heard by the Supreme Court beginning from 1952.

From the Written Description blog.