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Copyright Law

U.S. Copyright Law materials, research resources and legal database search methods

Search All Content

The first method for searching intellectual property materials on Bloomberg Law is with the Search and Browse feature for "All Legal Content". Once opened, select for Practice Area, and then scroll and open/expand IP and Copyrights.

Bloomberg All Legal Content screen capture

Browse books and treatises

Another search method lists books and treatises via Search & Browse > Books and Treatises. You then run a keyword search. However, such a search is better run in "All Content" > IP.

To view a treatise via screen/page mode it is usually faster to Browse > Books and Treatises, then expand the publisher's name listing and select the specific treatise.

Bloomberg BNA

  • Bloomberg BNA’s Intellectual Property Law Resource Center provides, "...a comprehensive collection of full-text IP law decisions, daily domestic and international news, expert guidance, time-saving practice tools, and relevant laws and regulations."

Practice Centers - Intellectual Property

A second search path follows the "Practice Centers" tab to the Intellectual Property page. You can search IP sources generally from that main page, or choose the specific Copyright subject practice area page from there.

The copyright page provides directed search paths for: Books & Treatises, Laws & Regulations, Opinions & Dockets, and Regulatory Agencies & Organizations. It also provides portals to the BNA Law Reports and BNA Insights.

BNA Law Reports / Journals

The BNA Law Reports list 10 IP options.

From that page you can also subscribe to E-mail notifications for new decisions from the Circuit Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), and for new cases from the U.S. Patents Quarterly reporter.