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Federal and Florida evidence law links and resources. Tips on study aids and locating past exams.

Selected Print Materials

CALI lessons

There are 18 separate lessons for Evidence in CALI, as listed in this topic page. Two of those lessons are listed here for illustrative purposes:

Preliminary Factfinding Under Rule 104
"The first part of the lesson familiarizes the student with the key procedural differences between 104(a) and 104(b). It reviews all major facets of the problem, including the special procedures used when a preliminary fact coincides with a fact of consequence on the merits of the case. The second part of the lesson is an intensive drill giving the student extensive experience in classifying foundational facts as falling under either 104(a) or 104(b)." Lesson author: Edward J. Imwinkelried. Completion Time: 90 minutes.

The Hearsay Rule & Its Exceptions
"This exercise is based on a simulated trial in which the user is asked to rule on hearsay objections and to give reasons for the rulings. ... It is suitable for students who have completed their study of the hearsay rule and who know something about the rules relating to impeachment and crossexaminations... The exercise was composed under a grant from the Federal Judicial Center, which has used it, along with the Character Evidence exercise, as part of its training program for incoming federal judges." Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes.

Multistate Bar Review, 2010

Volume 2, Chapter 4 of Rigo's Bar Review Series, KF 303.M847 2010, covers Evidence. The 150 page chapter includes an outline, sample questions and answer rationales.

These series are in reserve.

Audio CDs

Video DVDs

Guzman Bar Review Workshop; Evidence, 2010

A 2 DVD set with accompanying workbook and Multistate Bar Examination subject matter outline, including sample questions.

This is a recording of a 2010 bar prep lecture for FIU students. On 2 hour loan from reserve.

Computer Simulation

graphic from trialpro simulation