3 volumes. Also available on Lexis. "...thoughtful, practical guidance on crucial evidentiary matters from pre-trial gathering of the evidence through summation. With explanatory material and clear examples of testimony, each chapter offers specific guidelines for effective use and management of evidence."
"...shows how to determine which facts are essential and how to prove them. It discusses the elements of proof, practice and evidentiary considerations, and defense considerations, and provides model discovery..." Keyword searchable in Westlaw with FIU College of Law login, and in print in the third floor stacks.
"... assists judges in managing cases involving complex scientific and technical evidence by describing the basic tenets of key scientific fields from which legal evidence is typically derived and by providing examples of cases in which that evidence has been used." Downloadable online from the Federal Judicial Center and HeinOnline.
"ABA Fundamentals: Forensic Science opens the door to the many disciplines that comprise forensic science and provides a broad understanding of its uses and limitations, as well as an in depth understanding of the most commonly employed forensic techniques..."
"...explains the scrutiny that psychologists and all other experts will need to use to survive admissibility determinations under new and evolving rules of evidence."