Westlaw All Commercial Law - Law Reviews listing.
Method 1: via "International Materials"
From the home page/Content Types tab in the Specialty Areas links select "International Materials" then select "Journals" from the 'Content Types'
Sample Keyterms: "secured transactions" /p (foreign OR international OR comparative)
Method 2: via all "Law Reviews"
From the home page/Content Types tab select "Secondary Sources" then click & apply filter for "Law Reviews & Journals"
Sample Keyterms: "secured transactions" AND (foreign OR international OR comparative)
Limit to secondary sources via 'All Content' in top search box > [Click for Dropdown menu] Secondary Materials or,
from The 'Explore Content' tabbed selectors Content Type Secondary Materials
Keyterms: secure /s (loan OR lien OR pledge OR chattel OR "collateral registry") /s mexico
HeinOnline GL
Law Journal Library
The Law Journal Library in HeinOnline is a collection of more than 1,800 law and law-related periodicals. Coverage is from the first issue published for all periodicals and goes through the most currently published issue allowed, based on contracts with publishers.
Advanced search Sample Keyterms: argentina (in Text field box )secured transactions (in Article Title)
Foreign and International Law Resources Databases
The Foreign & International Law Resources Database contains more than 100 international yearbooks, U.S. Law Digests, publications of The Hague Court of International Justice, and the Reports of International Arbitral Awards. With this collection, researchers can easily search or browse through some of the world’s best international law publications.
Advanced search Sample Keyterms: secured transactions (in Text field box > AND w/in 25 words) mexico (in Text > AND w/in 25 words) United States