United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Secretariat has established a system for collecting and disseminating information on court decisions and arbitral awards relating to the Conventions and Model Laws that have emanated from the work of the Commission.
A 27 country breakdown from Deloitte, a national audit/consulting firm. The report includes some interesting tables and data, and provides publicity and registration details, but does not give references to the underlying legislation.
The project was begun by professors at Oxford University and initially addressed reform in Great Britain. It quickly grew in scope and now provides information and links useful for a comparative law researcher. The "Reform in Other Jurisdictions" tab links to country pages, each of which provides brief current status information and includes links to other sources.
Opens an interactive map. The country links open a window with basic ST status information.
The repository allows keyword searching and provides some filters. Searches brought up these three documents: Collateral registries for movable assets : does their introduction spur firms' access to bank finance?; Increasing Access to Credit through Reforming Secured Transactions in the MENA Region; and Secured transactions systems and collateral registries.
Materials from the eight panels of a 2017 regional conference.
The numerous country guides direct you to the local legal sources and give research tips.
The numerous nation specific information entries in Getting the Deal Through provide practical information on conducting business in the country and refer to the laws and regulations involved.
You can reach Getting the Deal Through from All Content > Books and Treatises > open the Getting the Deal Through TOC links from the drop-down caret "⏵" > select the TOC for your desired topic. ex. 'Structured Finance & Securtisation.