Coverage at the UNCITRAL site:
This main page links to various instruments, the legislative guides and to other related resources.
The convention covers asset-based lending, factoring, forfaiting (purchase of exported receivables), securitization, and project financing. The agreement page provides dates of accession and links to the travaux préparatoires and other texts.
Coverage at the UNIDROIT site:
Use the links on the right hand column of the pages to review material related to each of the instruments. Related Studies have a separate link.
Subtitled Comparison and Analysis of Major Features of International Instruments Relating to Secured Transactions, the 45 page pdf document uses charts to provide 'summary of purpose', coverage comparisons, term definitions, and also Article references for all of the international texts as of 2011.
Coverage at the Hague Conference site:
The U.S. has signed the Convention, which may change the choice of law selections from that set out in the UCC in matters involving securities and financial assets.
Coverage at the OHADA site:
OHADA, the Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires, is composed of 17 African francophone countries. Their Uniform Act took effect in 2011.
Coverage at the U.S. State Department site:
Listing of Private International Law agreements and instruments.
Congressional Research Service report, latest update.