Reserve collection
- The reserve collection consists of all material held behind the Law Library Circulation Desk.
- All students, faculty and staff of FIU can check out material with a valid FIU One card.
Reserve materials
- Circulate for 2 hours, 24 hours, or 3 days. The reserve materials must be returned to the campus location where they were checked out. Returning reserve materials to the originating campus location is the responsibility of the borrower. All reserve materials that have a 2-hour or 3-hour loan period are due on the due date/time provided to you at checkout.
Laptops, keys to group study rooms, and other electronic devices
- Circulate for 3 hours. Law students are limited to checking out one laptop at a time. Power cord adapters cannot be checked out without a laptop since extra adapters are not available.
Media Materials
- Circulate for 24-hour loan period.