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International Intellectual Property

Research guide with links to laws, treaties, cases and information on International IP


Treaties & Trade Agreements

Human Rights

Medicines and Int'l IP

Indigenous/Traditional knowledge

To see other results, run a catalog search as, Advanced: "indigenous people" and "intellectual property" both as subject headings, 16 local results will be returned, and 67 titles show as available through the SUS "U-Borrow" program.

Conflict of Laws

Selected Periodicals

   The Journal of world intellectual property.
FIU log in is required. GL

   Intellectual property spotlight,
from the Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator

   Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues

   IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law

   International Journal of Cultural Property,
part of the Cambridge Journals subscription. FIU log in required. GL

   The WIPO Journal,
is a peer-reviewed, independently written journal with in-depth articles.

From Oxford Journals: FIU log in required. GL

Indexes & Databases to Legal Journals

FIU log in is required to access these 4 indexes: GL

Journals & Articles

Scholarly articles on foreign and international law can be retrieved in the following databases:

Westlaw, you can search all secondary sources content or restrict your search to international law materials

Lexis, in Content > Secondary materials, or using Practice Area > International Law or selecting a listed country from the International link in the 'Explore' selection tab or the View all Jurisdictions link.

HeinOnline, you can perform searches in several libraries:

Cambridge Journals Online GL

Oxford Journals GL

Foreign Law Guide - online resource

foreign law guide graphic

The Foreign Law Guide: current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world lists and details information for some 190 countries.

Each jurisdictional entry in the Foreign Law Guide provides:

  •  An introductory overview of the legal system and legal history;
  •  An outline of the judicial and legislative system;
  • Primary and secondary sources of law, including a list of codifications, gazettes and other sources of law;
  • Links to major online sources;
  • Identification of major legal publications.