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International Intellectual Property

Research guide with links to laws, treaties, cases and information on International IP

Legal databases features

icon The BNA Law Reports lists 10 different IP reports, and include the

World Intellectual Property Report,
providing coverage of international developments affecting intellectual property, and the

Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Daily,

icon LexisAdvance Law360 Intellectual Property page.

Law360 allows FIU College of Law faculty, students, and staff to receive daily legal news bulletins in a variety of practice areas, industries, and geographical regions. more...


• Lexis-Nexis Legal Newsroom / Intellectual Property

icon Westlaw Practioner Insights for Intellectual Property

• Westlaw Intellectual Property Legal Newspapers & Newsletters.
The listing includes nine different sources.

Other International IP blogs

 from the WTO

WTO News, news, news archive, podcasts and RSS blog feeds.

Current Issues in Intellectual Property, updated irregularly.

 WIPO news

  • WIPO Journal
    Peer reviewed, law review issue length.
  • WIPO Magazine
    Each glossy online issue contains 6 or 7 articles on current popular topics. Published bimonthly.
  • WIPO newsletters
    you can susbscribe to receive updates on WIPO activities covering 11 different topic areas. You can also set up RSS feeds.


The U.S. Int'l Trade Commission maintains a,

breakdown for the press, noting the number of Section 337 (unfair competition) complaints filed.

Legal blog directories

These directories allow you to search for blogs by topic. Some allow for other filters.

Justia Blawg Search

ABA Journal Blawg Directory

Library of Congress - Legal Blawg Archive

Video / Audio

IP Fridays
Weekly IP audio podcasts. You can listen from the site (use episode title or photo links), or subscribe and listen on your iOS or Android device. From Rolf Claessen and Kenneth Suzan.