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International Intellectual Property

Research guide with links to laws, treaties, cases and information on International IP

Page Contents

This "Statistics" tab:

Provides links to patent statistics resources from international organizations.

National data can be obtained from an individual country's site. Reach those domestic offices from the WIPO Directory, or from the sources in the Other Countries Offices sub-page in the Patents tab/page above.

Many U.S. resources can be found in our FIU "Patent Law" guide.


WIPO's Statistics  landing page provides several resources, including:

  • Detailed data in the PCT Yearly review
  • World Intellectual Property Indicators
  • Designs and Trademarks yearly reports

The Statistical Country Profiles break information down by country.


The European Patent Office's Annual Reports & Statistics portal provides statistics on:

  • Total European Patent Filings
  • European Patent Applications
  • Granted Patents


The World Trade Organization does publish detailed yearly information regarding trade and tariffs. You can reach these publications from the WTO Statistics page.

Unfortunately, the data does not include patent related information.


International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants statistics page.

Foreign Inventors filing in USPTO

Professor Dennis Crouch from the U. of Missouri School of Law posted an illustrative chart in Patently-O:

U.S. Patents: Where are the inventors located?

The 2006-2014 chart compares the number of U.S. domiciled first listed inventors to those from other countries (labeled ROW: "Rest Of the World"). The top 11 home countries are ranked.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has collated EPO and PCT patent filings into several datasets.

The statistics sitemap starts with a general OECDStat page. This is not patent specific, since it covers numerous categories.

The lower hierarchy OECD IP Statistics and Analysis section contains a large number of resources on general IPRs.

Patent related information is found in the OECD Patent Databases:

Two Excel graphs on biotechnology patents under the PCT, for 2010-2012 are available:

(Last accessed at OECD Key biotechnology indicators,, on 5/25/15.)

Multi-Patent-Office Collaborations

Links here are to the site's Statistics pages:

  Trilateral Co-operation;
composed of the USPTO, EPO, and JPO.

Begun in 1983 to, "...propose a co-operative approach to solving common challenges..."

  Five IP Offices;
composed of the USPTO, EPO, JPO, KIPO and SIPO.

"The Five IP Offices (IP5) is the name given to a forum of the five largest intellectual property offices in the world that is being set up to improve the efficiency of the examination process for patents worldwide."


The European Commission's EuroStat  user interface requires some experimentation to understand.

The information is based on EPO data, but Eurostat employs different analysis and focus. Intellectual Property Rights are classified in the Science & Technology category/"theme", but searching by keyword  from the home page is recommended. You can also follow the theme to the IPRs 'Main Tables' and 'Database' levels.