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Secured Transactions Comparative Research

Resources and tips for researching International and Comparative law aspects of Secured Transactions

Selected Codes

Foreign Law Sources

Foreign Law

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Foreign Law Guide, online resource GL

An invaluable source for locating primary sources of legislation for foreign jurisdictions. For each country there is a brief introduction to the legal system, a list of codifications, gazettes and other sources of law. The guide can also be reached from the Law Library web page via eResources.

The secured transaction laws could be found in either the "Obligation and Torts" or "Securities and Stock Exchange" sections of the country's listing. A keyword search using security guaranty, chattel mortgage or other keywords could also be run.

Book Cover Art

vLex, online resource

vLex is a global legal database that contains constitutions, cases, statutes, codes, law journal articles, books, and legal news in multiple languages for 134 countries including: Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Portugal, Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, and the United States. Search terms and full text results can be translated into 13 languages.

Book Cover Art Digest of Commercial Laws of the World, online from Westlaw.

Browsing by country - ONLINE In Westlaw, open "Part I. Country Digests and Forms". The countries are arranged in alphabetical order. Within the country chapter see the section titled: "XI. Pledges and Chattel Mortgages".

Wolters Kluwer logoInternational Encyclopedia of Law, IEL Property and Trust Law online resource.

IEL Property and Trust Law provides country-by-country analysis on immovable property and real property, movable property and personal property/chattels, acquisition of property rights, trust and fiduciary mechanisms, and securities in immovable and movable property.

The IEL provides national monographs for 23 countries. Once the country is selected proceed to the "Movable Property and Personal Property/Chattels" section and also the "Security" section if one is included.

World LII logo World LII 'Countries' page, online resource. world globe icon

"The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) - - is a ... legal research facility developed collaboratively by a number of Legal Information Institutes and Law Faculties around the world." View all the Categories in the database, or, from the "Countries" category page select a specific country and click on the "Legislation" link.