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International Law

This guide will provide information to resources for doing research on International Law.


International Law - Treatises box

Foreign Law Guide - online resource

foreign law guide graphic

The Foreign Law Guide: current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world lists and details information for some 190 countries.

Each jurisdictional entry in the Foreign Law Guide provides:

  •  An introductory overview of the legal system and legal history;
  •  An outline of the judicial and legislative system;
  • Primary and secondary sources of law, including a list of codifications, gazettes and other sources of law;
  • Links to major online sources;
  • Identification of major legal publications.

CALI lessons

Customary International Law Research
Lesson Completion Time: 30 minutes

There are an additional 15 lessons covering International Law listed in this Lessons by Subject Outline.